Custom Ear Molds and Ear Plugs

The world is full of harsh noises: Fireworks. Construction. Lawn mowers. And these common situations can cause hearing loss after repeated exposure.

It’s estimated that over 15% of Americans experience Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL), a preventable form of hearing loss caused by exposure to loud noise. Although this form of hearing loss is irreversible, custom hearing protection can prevent it from happening in the first place.

Many individuals often don’t think about how delicate our ears are. Hearing loss can creep up on you and in the instance of noise induced hearing loss, the damage can be permanent. That’s why at Mariemont Hearing Center we are strong advocates for preserving your healthy hearing and preventing hearing loss before it begins.

You don’t have to be exposed to noises that physically hurt for them to be damaging. A wide range of common sounds can lead to noise induced hearing loss, such as:

  • Gunshots
  • Chain saws
  • Lawn mowers
  • City traffic
  • Loud snorers
  • Garbage trucks, and more.
Store-bought ear plugs can help to dampen some of the noise, but they are not designed to provide the level of protection that our delicate ear drums truly need.

Thankfully, custom made ear plugs and earmolds are an easy solution to noise prevention and are manufactured in a wide range of styles to meet your individual needs. These options work to create a secure and comfortable fit, thus protecting your ears from damaging sounds while allowing you to enjoy your favorite activities. These custom-fit earmolds are also excellent for keeping the ear canal dry and healthy for all underwater activities. Custom hearing protection is ideal for:

  • Concert fans
  • Industrial & construction personnel
  • Hunters
  • Sleep plug users
  • Air traffic controllers
  • Woodworkers
  • Machinists
  • Swimmers
  • Musicians (Musician In-ear Monitors or IEMs)
  • Law enforcement
  • Divers
We find that patients who never thought about using ear protection before have now discovered a whole new way of keeping their hearing healthy after a visit to our office. Not only are these custom earmolds and ear plugs made from high quality materials, but they are incredibly comfortable and can even be fitted with attenuators so that you can communicate with others while still protecting your hearing.
Start protecting your ears today with our custom products and enjoy healthy hearing for the rest of your life. Contact our office today to learn more.

Find out how we can help you preserve your hearing.

Mariemont Hearing Center

At Mariemont Hearing Center we’ve been serving the local Cincinnati, OH area for over 25 years. We are proud to offer comprehensive hearing healthcare services to patients of all ages.

Contact Info

Office Hours

Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri: 9am – 5pm
Tue, Sat, Sun: Closed

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